why devel gtk+?

Out of curiosity, why are gnome-libs/gnome-core continuing to be developed
with development versions of gtk?  I would think that you would wait till
the feature freeze is over with gnome-libs/gnome-core before continuing on
working with newer versions of gtk.  Shouldn't we be setting the gtk 1.2
as our base toolkit and work from there.

The reason I bring this point up is because in order to get rid of the
Accelerator support disabled messages, I had to upgrade to gtk 1.2.1.

If this is the norm, then forget I said anything.  Gtk is pretty stable,
but it's a chore to keep on having to deal with multiple versions of gtk


Sri Ramkrishna         /|\ Unix is very user friendly, its just very picky
email: sri@aracnet.com -|- on who it is friendly to. -- Unknown? 
phone: 503-356-1078    \|/ 

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