Re: Gnome vs. Gimp?

On Wed, Mar 24, 1999 at 01:26:55PM +0000, Andreas Stallmann wrote:
> When I started my new Gnome 1.0 enviroment, I was realy surprised!
> First, because it looks and feels quite good and second ...
> ARGGHHH!!!...  because my most beloved program, Gimp 1.0.1 doesn't run
> anymore!

Don't use the '--force' argument to RPM unless you know *exactly* what
you're doing. ;-) That is the most common cause of this error. Of course,
SuSE might have done something strange with their packages.

You can install Gtk+-1.0 and Gtk+-1.2 at the same time. You must do so in
order to run both the GIMP and Gnome. Please see the RPM documentation for

Good luck!


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