Re: Desktop Icon question...

> From: Steve Gusz <sgusz@PaineWebber.COM>

> When I start GNOME, I have no desktop icons.  I then start the file
> manager, and all my desktop icons come back.  If I close the file
> manager, sometimes the icons stay, other times they dissapear.  Can
> anybody tell me why this happens?

The desktop icons provided by gmc - the Gnome file manager - are a function of 
gmc, and so gmc must be running for them to appear.  You should add gmc to your 
list of startup applications for Gnome Session if this bothers you.

They should stay there when you exit the gmc window, as gmc itself should 
continue running despite the closure of its initial window.  If they do go away, 
then gmc has crashed - which is a bug =OZ  Make sure you're running the latest 
version =O)


-------My opinion - Not sane, intelligent or necessarily useful-------
o o                             
/v\ark R. Bowyer.  mailto:Mark.Bowyer@UK.Sun.COM
`-'  "That weenie's avoiding me!" - Scott McNealy about

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