Re: GNOME Menu Editor 0.99.0 bugs..

Chris Chabot <> wrote:

>First of all thanks for a great product! While using the menu editor to adjust
>my menu's i've come across a couple of bugs though that 'disturb' the overall
>    When you remove a menu, the 'focus' does not return to a valid menu,
>pressing save/delete/sort at that time will cause menueditor to create a new
>item, and rename some top nodes.
>    When creating a new menu item, filling in all the data, and pressing save,
>looses the focus to this item, pressing save again will cause the -folder- it
>is in to take its name, and icon.
>    Its not quite clear when something is saved on the fly (like in the sort
>option, or delete?) or when its global ... just for this item, etc ... this
>causes a lot of confusion, especialy with the above bugs being present.

The menu editor in the next gnome-core release should fix many problems, and
add a few conveniences.

>    I hope this report helps you out a little, and i hope there easely
>solvable, the menu editor will be a very usefull, if not nececeary application
>for non technical users.

John Ellis <>

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