Re: gmc is scary now

Repeat after me:

If your X server crashes, there is a bug in the X server...
If your X server crashes, there is a bug in the X server...
If your X server crashes, there is a bug in the X server...
If your X server crashes, there is a bug in the X server...
If your X server crashes, there is a bug in the X server...

It is ALWAYS a bug in the X server if it crashes.  Regard it as you would 
the base operating system.  Find the core dump, get a stack backtrace, 
and make a bug report to XFree86 or the commercial server vendor,
and/or fix it yourself and send a patch back.

I've had good X servers stay up just about as long as the base operating
system (without ever logging out).  And there is only one person
in the world who can say they've used X longer than I have (I was
on vacation when Bob Scheifler first changed W->X; gotta dig up
the annoucement again to post on the 15th anniversary...).

Unfortunately, the PC X server's I've seen don't seem in general
to be up to these high standards...  Hopefully soon...

				- Jim Gettys

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