gnome and windowmaker integation -- revisited

I posted earlier about some issues and a few questions about the actual
level of gnome and windowmaker integration.  I really like windowmaker
I should note because it seems clean and fast.  I also like
enlightenment but I windowmaker just seems quicker on the display.  I
removed the rpm files on the SuSE 6 rpm site and then built my own and
am quite satisfied now.  I managed to rid myself of the panel and other
gnome related icons now which is quite nice.  Adding an applet to the
panel is interesting though.  If I want to add the fish, the panel
blinks out for a moment and then comes back.  With this switch:

"*" = {NoAppIcon = Yes;Icon = "gnome-default-dlg.png";};

in ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMWindowAttributes all icons seems to quickly
disappear. How does one add appicons now especially dock applications
like wmcdplay or whatever?  Is there some middle ground that works to
give me icons for the programs I want to add to the dock?  I overall
like the looks of the windowmaker desktop without panel icons but I
would like the flexibility of being to add dock apps without having to
remove switches each time.

Ideas, opinions, whatever?
Michael Perry

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