Re: Mirros are a problem

On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 03:25:16PM -0800, Ben Rockwood wrote:
> at all times of the day for the last 3 days without
> being able to get it.  Further, all the mirrors are
> 3-10 days behind.... which is no good at all. is updated once a day (more if something
important happens)... it is at least 24 hours current, all the

	Most of the mirrors, I believe, are as well.. (though
I cannot vouch for them)

> Does anyone have a secret mirror that is updated twice
> a day at least?  Several times I've tried to create a mirror
> on my domain, but can't even get the goods to put up the
> mirror.

	All you need is a decent box ( runs on
a Sparc-4, a far cry from rocking hardware) and rsync or  (rsync highly recommended)

	If you need help getting either set up, let me know.  I'll
be happy to assist. 
> Enlightenment is having the same problem... 2 weeks ago 
> I would have sworn I was the only one who actually pulled daily
> snaps, I always got in nice and fast.  Now I get refused
> everytime due to capacity.

	Now is antoher matter.. that is a serious
pain to get into.. :)


Adam Jacob - Sr. Systems Administrator <>
Cyber Trails
Work: (602) 906-1750                    Pager: (602) 447-9531

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