Mirros are a problem

This is becoming a big problem for me, and I wanted
to see how others feel about it.
ftp.gnome.org is ALWAYS busy.  I've tried on and off
at all times of the day for the last 3 days without
being able to get it.  Further, all the mirrors are
3-10 days behind.... which is no good at all.

Does anyone have a secret mirror that is updated twice
a day at least?  Several times I've tried to create a mirror
on my domain, but can't even get the goods to put up the
Enlightenment is having the same problem... 2 weeks ago 
I would have sworn I was the only one who actually pulled daily
snaps, I always got in nice and fast.  Now I get refused
everytime due to capacity.

  Anyone want to come up with a solution?

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