Re: enlightenment

You probly know this, but have you tried middle clicking when your
cursor ISN'T over a window?  If you have, you may also want to 
let us know which version you are using, fresh from CVS doesn't
mean its either stable or that it's recent...
Also know that every so often, Raster will put out a snap
and it will be busted to all hell, and then the next day he'll
have fixed it, and added 10 new features.  If it really is
todays CVS, try tomorows.

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Ronald de Man wrote:

> Hello,
> I know that I'm missing something, and it's probably something very
> obvious, but when I run enlightenment my windows only have a border
> without any decorations and I have no root menus of any kind. Left mouse
> button on the border is moving, middle mouse button is closing, and
> right mouse button is resizing, and that's all (and I do have multiple
> workspaces etc). Switching themes makes no difference. It says somewhere
> that Enlightenment is very strict and ignores any theme that's not entirely
> correct, but even the default theme doesn't seem to work.
> My copy is fresh from CVS. So is this behaviour expected? (I'm pretty sure
> it's not.) Any ideas what could be wrong?
> Ronald
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