Re: eMusic and GMC ??

> From:

>      However, I'm hoping someone can help with this problem. I compiled 
>      emusic DR0.8 ( I think) a few weeks ago but when I tried to launch it 
>      I got a cannot load libstringlist error - I figured I would sort this 
>      out another day and moved on to other things....
>      Then today I was playing with gmc (.25 I think ) and out of curiosity 
>      I double clicked on the emusic icon in /opt/e/bin and it popped up 
>      perfectly - this I repeated several times 
>      But I still got the library problem when I tried to start it from an 
>      Eterm or a gnome launcher icon

Sounds like a LD_LIBRARY_PATH problem - type "ldd eMusic" and see if it can find 
all the libraries it needs.  It looks like it'll say it can't find 
libstringlist, so you need to find that, and add that directory either to your 
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, or if this is Linux, to /etc/ 
and re-run ldconfig (I think - been a while since I did that).

I imagine the problem is that your shells (and so the gnome launcher) can't find 
that library, but GMC for some reason can.

Hope this helps,

-------My opinion - Not sane, intelligent or necessarily useful-------
o o                             
/v\ark R. Bowyer.  mailto:Mark.Bowyer@UK.Sun.COM
`-'  "That weenie's avoiding me!" - Scott McNealy about

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