New project: gVB

I wish to announce a new project.  It doesn't do anything 
useful yet but there is the beginnings of a framework.  

This project is written in Perl and is designed to convert 
Visual basic Forms, Modules and Projects into gtk+/Gnome programs.
Frankly I don't know if this is practical or even possible 
for full scale programs - especially VB programs which use 
ActiveX controls but I'm going to give it a go.

The project will be GPL.  I'm hoping that programs converted
using the program will not be forced into being GPL but 
that may not be possible at first because VB controls will 
need to be replaced with widgets which will probably be GPL.
Or are widgets usually LGPL?

The program will be a command line with no UI at first.  I'm 
trying to make the program as flexible and easily extensible 
as possible.  The conversion will be controlled by a series
of configuration files.  Changing or adding to these files
should allow the program behavior to be modified with no
changes to actual code.

I came up with a concept for a logo that involves incorporating
the Gnome "G" this allowed?  Do I need to get permission,
or is it not allowed under any circumstances?

Anyone who has any ideas or who would like to work on the project
please email me.  I'm going to need a lot of help before this
project reaches it's goal of converting virtually any VB program
into a program that will run on Linux.  Just think what a boon it 
could be for Linux in the workplace if it succeeds though.  Something 
like 90% of Win32 programs and programmers are VB.  If we can 
automatically convert legacy apps then 1000s of those VB programmers 
next project might be a Gnome program instead.


"...the film is every bit as dauntingly abstract in its spasmodic hyperrealism..."
- Howard Hampton describing the movie "The Blade"

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