I saw that federico was pretty quick at fixing gmc bugs, so
here's what I found with .25 

* First click on x in e crashes gmc

* mount/unmount, etc doen't show up if root

* no option to set the default spacing between icons

* when you change the name of a desktop file on the desktop
  the files name get changed, and not the name tag in the 
  desktop file

* sometime slow to start up after a crash

* When you start more than one gmc you can't move
  the desktop icons, not even aften you close on
  of them with the exit menu.

* core files doens't use tigerts icon

* often crash when you move icons arount the desktop

* the icon arrange option arrange all the icons to the
  left, shouldn't there be an arrange to grid option
  like in windows and kfm, and shouldn't this be default.

I guess that all for now,
keep up the good work ;)

Kennneth Christíqua <>


>>  From the desktop menu, create a directory (New->Directory), I made my
>>  directory called "dog".  So suddenly, a folder called "dog" shows up on my
>>  desktop.
>>  Click on the "dog" folder, and then try to delete it.  Instant crash.
>This is fixed on cvs.
>>  I'm running all latest gnome-libs, gnome-core, and latest mc.    I can
>>  also get it to crash if I try to change the icon.  Sometimes after getting
>>  the icon changed (I have to re-run gmc to realize the icon change) it
>>  changes back to the old icon.  But I haven't been able to duplicate that
>>  just yet.
>This is fixed, too.
>Thanks for the reports!
>  Federico
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