Re: esd locks the machine up solid...

I've had this problem myself on my Alpha. What I do is a cheap hack :).
Go to /usr/bin and rename esd to _esd. Next gnome-session starts it will
find that it can't start esound and then disable it. Works for me. BTW
you wouldn't be happening to be using soudn drivers from 4-front tech
would you?


David Puryear wrote:
> Hi,
> Last week, I think it was Thursday, I did complete cvs rebuild. Since then I
> haven't tried new compile of Enlightenment until few days a go when I had to
> reboot. Now when I start Enlightenment, it will automatically start esd, which I
> don't want to run since it, not just cvs version either, locks up my machine
> solid when gnome is also running. Only thing I can do is use the power button.:(
> So, I was wondering which file esd is starting from.
> I would give more details/a bug report on esd with gnome locking up my machine,
> but I never see any kind of errors, just hard locks up. I don't mind running
> machine without esd since other sound programs that don't depend on esd work
> fine for me. As for my setup, it is mostly Debian 2.1 with Gnome and
> Enlightenment from cvs, ESS 19** sound card on Celeron 333.
>         Thanks,
>         David
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Peter Petrakis       Warrior/Engineer   
"<BLAM!!> Who the hell are you!? Name's Ash <click clock> Housewares..."

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