RE: A stupid question (or two)

>Part of the reason why these desktop environments exist is that there's
>a desire to get Windows users to join the Linux camp. People find it
>much easier to switch environments if they feel at home in the new one.
>It doesn't have to be identical, but there needs to be some degree of
>overlap with the person's pre-existing computer knowledge.
>Perhaps another reason is that the developers just implemented whatever
>they were used to using without really thinking about alternatives.
>Haukur Hreinsson

Good point!!  As one who is considering trying Linux, I am encouraged by 
projects that will make the transition a bit friendlier for "newbies".  I'm 
sure if I try Linux, I will eventually want to work with the "command line", 
but in the meantime, it will be a comfort to be able to utilize a familiar 
environment to get started.
     (To be on the safe side, I'll probably start with a dual boot system and 
keep Win 98 for a while...)

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