--datadir (.desktop files)

Whoever is responsible for the RPMs may want to rebuild GXedit, 
gnotepad+, ee, gqview, and gftp so that their .desktop files are in the 
new location /usr/share/gnome/apps rather than the old location 
/usr/share/apps.  I'm not submitting this to bugtraq because I don't
know whether the developers of these packages have anything to do with
the RPM's.  But every method known to man for organizing .desktop files
and building menus (probably "gnome-config --datadir" in most cases)
appears to be missing these packages.  And all of them are cool.

   /.  \    Gregory Fall                Phone: 734-913-4662
   \/  /    University of Michigan      Fax:   734-763-7130
     \ \    2455 Hayward Street         email: gmfall@engin.umich.edu
   __/_/    Ann Arbor, MI 48109                gmf@dweezil.dynip.com

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