RE: GNOME development in C++

the game of gnometris is in C++. The trick is to pass "this" pointer to
callbacks made of static methods. Not terribly elegant, but it works.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, February 26, 1999 9:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: GNOME development in C++
> All:
> I referred to this as an aside in an earlier message, but I guess it 
> got lost in the shuffle... Anyway, my question is, has anyone done 
> any GNOME work in C++ yet?  Is gtk-- a usable library?  (I've never 
> done any substantial work with either it or plain-old GTK, although 
> I've worked through the GTK tutorial).
> (BTW, if it's not clear, I don't mean hacking on gnome-libs or any 
> existing C applications; obviously, those are best done in C.  I 
> would, however, prefer to use C++ for a new GNOME app if possible...)
> Comments, suggestions, or pointers to code would be greatly 
> appreciated.
> -Russell
> PS: I wasn't sure if this were best asked on gnome-list or 
> gnome-devel- what's the charter for gnome-devel, anyway?
> -- 
> Russell Steinthal
> <>		Columbia College Class of 1999
> <>		System Administrator, AV-Network
> -- 
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