Quite a few questions...

1) I am trying to compile gnome-objc, both v 99.8 and 1.00pre (by the way,
why are all the 1.0pre sources gone from GNOME ftp?). Anyway, I get told
that it can't find an Objective C compiler. I am using Slackware 3.6, i have
latest versions of gcc, egcs, and egcsobjc installed. I don't know what to
do!! Is gnome-objc something that is required for GNOME to run?

2) I installed libgtop-1.00 and then tried compiling libgtop-bindings-99.2.
Expectedly, it didn't compile. Said it expected libgtop version 1.0, or
1.1.x, but found 1.2...anyway, I can't find a libgtop-bindings-1.00 or a
gtop 1.00 anywhere. Arrrg.

3) Here is for a completely GNOME unrelated question...i hope you guys don't
mind. using the default kernel 2.0.35 that came with slack 3.6, I found an
ANSI font (t.fnt) that displayed my ANSI characters find (upper ANSI, more
specifically; like in BitchX). After booting my new 2.2.2 kernel, the same
exact font won't display upper ANSI characters. Did i leave something out of
the kernel? Can someone help?

Thanks in advance!!!!

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