Some ideas

Hi all

Just a quick thought I had:
I am a bit worried about where KDE + GNOME + whatever is heading...
I think everything has to be more modularized. Take for example Bonobo, it's
going to be a part of GNOME and only GNOME. If the KDE guys want something
similar they'll have to code it themselves and then it won't play nicely with
bonobo etc.

What I would REALLY love is if an app could be written once and then run on
KDE or GNOME. This could probably easy be implemented via a wrapper or
something (I'm not really a programmer).

I think this whole KDE vs. GNOME thing sucks, it would be GREAT if both
projects could be alot more cooperative, share ideas, maybe even one day
(dare i say it ?) merge. Both projects want the same thing: the best desktop
available; and everyone is always talking about how every _work together_ in
the Open Source world...

Just MHO (wrote late at night, so it's not a piece of art :)

Sarel Botha          |     Computer &           | +27 341 81341
( |        Accounting        | BOX 2065, Dundee
                     |           Services       | 3000, South Africa
 "The End is near." --

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