Re: Text processor

In message <>, Alan Shutko writes:
| Olof Oberg <> writes:
| > I would like to have multiple modes. Like inside a SCRIPT element 
| > I want to have the corresponding mode for that language (ECMAscript 
| > for example). Same with STYLE.
| (For the uninformed, this is one of the few really hard-to-implement
| things in Emacs, and people have wanted it for various things

Hard, but not impossible.  My looooong-overdue rewrite of bison-mode, while
embryonic, has a start on it (I just need more round tuits --- or fewer
interruptions from the real world...).

| Actually, there might be a decent way to get close with an indirect
| buffer and narrowing, but you wouldn't be able to edit in place.  

My old bison-mode did this with narrowing and fancy footwork to save and
restore the state of both major modes (and selective-display in the bison
framework).  The big problem with it was that without a way to switch major
modes on the fly, working on one part (bison vs. C) of mode required hiding
the other part of the code.  I found this sufficiently annoying (as a user
of bison-mode) that I gave up on it and wrote a simple tabbing mode instead.

brandon s. allbery	[os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator	     [WAY too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering					 KF8NH
carnegie mellon university	      ["God, root, what is difference?" -Pitr]

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