Re: Text processor

> I suggest you try NEdit. Granted, it's a Motif/Lesstif editor, but
> really good syntax highlighting is there, and it is pretty easy to
> use.

I'm playing with Nedit right now. It's passable, but it has
no word count feature (only byte count) and the syntax
highlighting is designed for hard-core programmers instead
of writers or HTML people.

A Gnomified, text-oriented version of Nedit would be great.

Yes, I know. I could "easily" write scripts that can do
everything I need done in Nedit. But really, I'd rather
learn bar chords on the guitar, which my friend Jeff says is
"easy" but I find nearly impossible.

Us estupidos are, sadly, the great majority of the world's
population. I mean, *someone* has to buy all those "Dummies"
books, right? :)

And if we all got smart, all of a sudden, you Big Brain
people would only be able to get minimum wage!

"Support your local computer Idiot. You would starve without

-- Robin Miller   
(your friendly local computer idiot)

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