Re: Theory question on desktop and gmc

>Hi all. I thought up something the other day and was trying to figure it
>out. Currently in gnome gmc and the desktop appear to be the same
>program (ie if you want desktop icons, gmc has to be running, even
>though you have no windows open. Also, every time gmc crashes (which is
>fairly often) all the desktop icons disappear and are then recreated
>when gmc respawns). Why is this? Wouldn't it be a better idea to have a
>sepereate, small program to manage the desktop icons and have it run gmc
>when someone clicks on "Home Directory" or something similar?

Apparently the next-generation file manager will be separated from the
desktop manager.

>This would also help out on the problem of a user needing to temporarily
>run a root gmc. Two gmc's could be run at the same time w/o them
>fighting over the desktop.

Running gmc (or any file manager) as root probably isn't a good idea.

Michael Rogers

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