Re: Unidentified subject!

I have to make a statement here. While I'm all in favor of what you are
advocating, please keep one thing in mind:

* Linux is for those with open minds and interest. If it isn't what you
want, try something else. Linux does NOT NEED to be user friendly to have
the strong attention and development environment to gain attention. It
wasn't KDE or GNOME that made Linux burst into public attention, though
they have helped a lot. It's people who were familiar with UNIX before
finding a new OS that runs on some of the most available hardware, and
runs better and has a strong developmental push behind it... at a pricetag
of ... FREE!

Linux already has given OSes a run for their money in the server
environment. It's the application developers that need to push it into the
user environment. The fate of Linux does not rely on this, as you can get
Red Hat systems, install Triteal CDE, and function the same (virtually) as
a Sun Microsystems Solaris x86 system.

Put the pressure on the GNOME project, not on Linux. =)


Nathan P. Clemons                       "Peace favor your code."                 ICQ: 2810688

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Frank Arnold wrote:

> There is a real need for some organization here that
> will be useful to the user. And as someone else wrote
> here a while back, if Linux/GENOME/Enlightenment is
> going to give other OSs a run for their money
> is MUST become user friendly.

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