control-center and screensaver problem

Hello !

My selfcompiled gnome works very fine now but I still have one stupid
problem with the screensaver (3.07):
The screensaver works, but it always starts a random hack. When I try to 
change it from the control-center (1.0.5) there are only two options to
choose, merely "no screensaver" and "random screensaver". Although there 
are all necessary files in /usr/local/gnome/share/control-center/.data I 
cannot select anything.
I really dont know where I could look now to fix this problem.
As I already said, gnome starts the screensaver, but I feel helpless
telling him which one he shall start.
I dont want to put a script for xscreensaver in .Xdefaults in order to
start the right hack. I want to choose it with gnome.

Maybe anybody can help or give me a hint ?

Greetings - Jens !

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