Gnome CD player

I have two problems and a suggestion concerning the Gnome CD player,
TCD.  The version I have is 1.0.1, which was distributed as part of
the gnome-media package with RH 6.0, although there seems to be a
later version (2.2) available elsewhere.  The problems:

1.  When I pause a track, I can't get it to start up again, except
    from the beginning.  After unpausing, the track timer stops
    blinking in my panel applet, and the indicator light on my CD ROM
    starts blinking again as if it were playing, but the timer doesn't
    advance and no sound is produced.

2.  I can't seem to get any of the keyboard shortcuts ("keybindings")
    to work.

Any help on these problems would be greatly appreciated.  The

1.  The "previous track" button |<| should first go to the beginning
    of the current track before going to the previous track.  Also, it 
    would be nice if clicking and holding down the track selection
    buttons |<| and |>| would rapidly backup/advance the timer inside
    the current track.

Todd Wilson
Computer Science Department
California State University, Fresno

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