Re: esd vs soundcard

>From: Michele Mariottini <>

>  I'm fighting with esound 027 and yamaha opl3ax, becasue esound when I run
>gnome it blocks the whole system.
>  I've configured the sound card with sndconfig  (I run on my laptop
>redhat6.0 and gnome1.0.7) and after I've found the right addresses it plays
>the system sound very well.
>  After I try to start esd, and it blocks my linuxbox ...


Well, I have an OPL3sa ISA PnP card in my home PC, and run RedHat6.0 with fairly 
recent Enlightenment, esd and Gnome on it.  And I have no problems =OZ

Have you tried running other sound applications?  Don't use Gnome or esd if you 
can help it - just try to play sounds from the commandline, or use a simple 
sound tool.  Note that playing CDs is done entirely in hardware, so that doesn't 
count - you need to pump a WAV or midi file out to be sure.

If that works, then see how your esd is being started.  If it *doesn't* contain 
the line "-as 2" or some similar number, then kill esd and restart it with that 
arguement.  You could do this by modifying /usr/local/etc/esd.conf (or wherever 
this file is on your system) but for the first try, run it off the commandline. 

I'm not sure what you mean by "blocks" your system?  Do you mean the system 
freezes completely, or just that you can't play sound from any other tool?

Good luck,

-------My opinion - Not sane, intelligent or necessarily useful-------
o o                             
/v\ark R. Bowyer.  mailto:Mark.Bowyer@UK.Sun.COM
`-'         "Everything is true, for a given value of 'true'" - PTerry

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