Re: ppp and gnome

This is a ppp issue.  As root, go to /usr/sbin and ls pppd:

ls -l pppd

something like the following should appear:

-rwsr-xr-x   1 root      root     112372 May 5 09:03  pppd

If not, type:

chown root:root pppd      ;if 'root   root' isn't present, then:

chmod 755 pppd


chmod u+s pppd

This should get you there.


Ellis Gibson wrote:
> I got my ppp conection to work with the gnome modem lights applet, that
> is I can connect and disconnect when logged on as root. But it won't
> work when logged on as a user, I set ppp to work with all users and
> still nothing.
> As root:   ifup ppp0 = connect
>                   ifdown ppp0 = disconnect
> Please help.
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