Re: adding launchers to the gnome menu

Ben Frantzdale wrote:

> The thing is that this way (if I understand you) you'd have to make the
> launcher on the desktop or the panel and then drag it into the menu...
> that's not all that intuitive (ie to make a launcher in the menu, you
> start by making it on the desktop???)

Sure, why not. It's simple to have one common way of creating a
launcher. Besides it'd have one advantage, you could add any of existing
binaries by quick drag and drop from gmc. Especially if you would like
to add many items at once.

> I'd agree that it would be good to be able to drag into the menu. (if
> you'd drag over the menu it'd pop up so you could place it in a sub menu
> or wherever.

Yep, exactly like draging location icon into bookmarks folder in
Netscape 4.0x. It doesn't work in 4.51 anymore =(


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