Re: IDEA: html editor in tree (Zakaria) writes:

> Every advanced webmaster knows when it's come to build webpage 
> nothing better than hand coding.
Yes, definitely.  This goes for LaTeX too IMHO.
> Here the proposed UI
> +---------------------------------+
> | Toolbar for cut, copy, paste etc|
> |---------------------------------|
> |======v| + HTML                  |
> | --+-- | |+ HEAD                 |
> | --+-- | ||+ TITLE               |
> | --+-- | | |+ Some Title         |
> | --+-- | |+ BODY                 |
> | --+-- |  |+ P                   |
> | --+-- |  ||+ Some Paragraph     |
> | --+-- |  |+ TABLE BORDER=2      |
> +---------------------------------+
[ further detailed descriptions deleted ]

I have a Motif-based SGML editor at work called "adept" which works
somewhat like this.  I tried to make friends with it but simply
couldn't get comfortable with this abundant but awkward user
friendlyness and ended up using XEmacs-20.4 for the editing part and
adept as some kind of syntax checker and page formatter only.

                                YMMV, P. *8^)
   --------- Paul Seelig <> -----------
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   ------------------- --------------------

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