Re: gnome-terminal-1.0.7

James Green wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been using gnome-terminal in place of E-term-0.8.9 for the past
> couple of days and have come across the following:
> * When using BitchX irc client, the updation of the terminal (when new
> text comes in) causes a flicker. I assume this could be a gtk widjet
> strutting it's stuff, but regardless I'd prefer to see a screen-update
> without the flicker. If it updates too fast, you could see a strobing
> effect which wouldn't be nice for some people's eyes.
> * using the Lucinda Console fomt, I'm seeing apparently randomly-placed
> pixels appearing. I guess this is part of the update or something, but
> using vim with a php file and syntax highlighting, it corrupts the display
> badly. Doesn't appear to be the case in, say, pine.
> (Could both of these problems be related to the fact that they both use
> colour?)
> Oh, and a suggestion - my gnome-terminals are all set to use transparency
> with shading. Could it have a slider to select shading by a given
> percentage? Maybe also tinting as well. Maybe I just love E-term too much
> Many thanks.
> --
> James Green

No offense intended to the gnome-terminal maintainer, but Eterm is far
and a way better at transparency, shading, colors, theming; the whole
enchilada. Gnome-terminal is really the odd man out, IMO, since even
*Aterm* does a better job at transparency and shading, and rxvt does a
better job at basic terminal emmulation...

    Jim Cape

    "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them
     pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."
        -- Winston Churchill

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