GNOME Summary, June 28 - July 4

This is the GNOME Summary for June 28-July 4.

Table of Contents

 1) Awards and Recognition
 2) New RPMs
 3) Web Banners and Buttons
 4) New File Manager Release
 5) Desk Guide
 6) GtkWrapBox
 7) Patches and Bugs to
 8) Call for documentation
 9) Hacking activity
 10) New and Updated Software


1) Awards and Recognition


Gnome received two honors this week. First, we got a DaveCentral "Best
of Linux" award:

And we got an "Editor's Choice" nod from CNet:


2) New RPMs


Dr Mike announced some more RPM updates, and says that updates will 
continue to appear in this directory:

These are for Red Hat 6.0. 

Also, Dax Kelson's RPMs are here:

I'm not sure what the difference is though. :-)


3) Web Banners and Buttons


Check out:

Ville Pätsi (drc) created these for you to use in your GNOME promotion
efforts. They're cool. I already have a button on my web site. :-)


4) New File Manager Release


Here's Miguel's summary of new features:

  * Samba File System support.

     Wayne Roberts contributed the SMBfs virtual file system to the
     file manager, to use it just use the special path name "/#smb:", like

     It still needs username encoding, password encoding and that sort
     of thing, so if you want to help out in this area, contact Wayne
   * Many new localizations and updated localizations

   * Kjartan provided some GNOME documentation for the file manager.

   * GMC now loads pathnames specified on the command line.

   * Federico dropped some dead code from the code.

   * Viewer should paint colors correctly now.

   * Federico's changes to add the proper WMclass names to the desktop
     windows;  He also did some updates to the desktop handling code.

   * Starting terminals from the desktop starts them from the Home
     directory for the user, not the desktop directory.

   * Japaneese support by Akira.

   * Many compilation fixes, and many runtime fixes.  You need to try
     this out.

   * Updated documentation on the desktop.links startup option.


5) Desk Guide


Tim Janik wrote a new pager applet for us, called Desk Guide. It's
smaller and faster than the old pager. You can get it from CVS
gnome-core, and presumably it will be in the next release of


6) GtkWrapBox


Tim Janik wanted to announce a new widget to appear in Gtk+ 1.4;
GtkWrapBox is like GtkBox, except that it "wraps" the child widgets to
the next row or column if the size allocation it receives is not large
enough. For now these are in GLE but they'll be in the devel branch of
Gtk+ soon.


7) Patches and Bugs to


People frequently send me patches and bug reports by private email; I
assume they also send them to other Gnome maintainers. Lots of bug
reports end up on gnome-list as well.

It's good to send these things to package maintainers or discuss them
on the list; but it's even better if you also submit them to We get a *lot* of email; for example, I must get well
over a thousand messages a day. Only 20 or 30 of those are private
messages to me, but nonetheless it builds up. I can easily lose track
of any email that I don't handle immediately in my inbox (which has
around 1500 old messages in it that I need to go through).

The advantage of is that it archives the patch or bug
report so we don't lose it or forget about it. And there's much to be
said for that. 

So, if you've sent me or any other maintainer a patch, and you're
wondering where it went, or if you have a pet bug that isn't getting
fixed, please, please send it to Most likely it's
simply gotten buried in our giant pile of electronic clutter.

It's true that there's a backlog on as well, and you
may not get an immediate response, but you will at least know that 
the report won't get lost.

As mentioned last week, it's also helpful if you can nudge us to close
reports if you notice a reported bug has been fixed.

For instructions on submitting a report, scroll down a bit on the main page and you'll see a link. The short version: 
add two magic lines at the top of your email body,

Package: whatever
Version: whatever

Then type in your report and mail to 


8) Call for documentation


Miguel sent mail to gnome-devel-list (not yet in the web archives, so
no link) urging us to work on documentation more. Here are the four
"action points" he listed:

    1. We need to finish the entire documentation of the GNOME
       libraries, this means: adding in-source API documentation to
       all public entry points and filling in the blanks of the
       appropiate "template" file.

    2. We need people to provide example code for all the API calls.
       Having the pure API call sometimes is not enough.  Please, do
       help us by writing short examples that we can include.

    3. Review the existing documentation and make sure it looks good,
       it covers the topics it should cover, contains good english,
       contains good examples and is clear to follow.

    4. Help us distributing the help: making sure the proper files are
       installed in the proper locations on the system, that the
       Makefiles are sane and so on.

Please consider contributing to Gnome in this area.


9) Hacking activity


Since we haven't introduced it in a while, remember that 
CVS Module Score-O-Matic is:

  awk '/^Subject: GNOME CVS: / {print $4}' mail/gnome-commits-last | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -k 1 > output

and CVS User Score-O-Matic:

  awk '/^Subject: GNOME CVS: / {print $5}' mail/gnome-commits-last | sort | uniq -c | sort -r -k 1 > output

Results for this week:


  31 gnumeric
  29 web-devel-2
  24 gimp
  23 gnomeicu
  22 mc
  21 gphoto
  14 libsigc++
  12 photon
  11 gmf
  11 gill

  53 gnomecvs
  27 unammx
  19 kenelson
  18 tml
  18 jwise
  16 kmaraas
  12 martijn
  10 sopwith
  10 dcm
   8 scottf
   8 bertrand
   7 vinc
   7 spapadim

Unfortunately the CVS commit scripts were busted for a while so
everyone was listed as "gnomecvs" for a bit, hosing our user results.

Matt Wilson installed a new version of Bonsai:

It lets you do things such as "Revert all changes made by unammx since
the beginning of time." :-) It also has useful features, we promise.

All the usual suspects were still very active: translation team,
Gnumeric, core Gnome stuff and Gtk. 

Christof did some Glade-- work (to generate Gtk-- code from Glade
instead of C code).

Miguel checked in a bunch of docs to gnome-libs, setting an example 
for everyone else to follow.

Jeremy Wise was hacking madly on GnomeICU.

Justin Maurer (also of Slashdot and Debian fame) is making good
progress on his gradebook application.

"gnoghurt" the video filters demo went into CVS.

Raph has been fixing and optimizing all sorts of libart stuff now that
he's actually using it for Gill. Looking good, looking good.

Elliot's continuing on GMF development.

Mark Crichton is hacking the gdk-pixbuf module; this is a smaller and
simpler image-loading library in the tradition of Imlib.

No huge CVS events, but plenty of good solid progress.


10) New and Updated Software


GNU xhippo
Gnome Toaster


OK, can't think of anything else. Until next week -


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