Can I use GNOME without cutting myself on the bleeding edge?

>>>>> "James" == James Ramsey <> writes:

    James> Is it possible to have a stable GNOME installation? I want to
    James> try GNOME against but have been hesitant to do so. Last time, I
    James> stopped using GNOME because I could take GNOME and X down by
    James> dragging a window from one quarter of the virtual desktop to
    James> another. I thought that was, um, not good. (Already reported
    James> the bug.) I'd like to try GNOME again if it's at least gotten
    James> to the point where it will only crash if I do something
    James> decently obscure.

    James> Are there things I can do to help the stability of my
    James> installation (aside from bug reports and prayer :])?

I don't know what Linux you're using, but I found that the SRPMS prepared
by Dax Kelson ( solved a lot of the problems I
had. I recompiled them on my RH 5.2 box. With gnome-libs at 1.0.10 and
gnome-core at 1.0.6 I most of the crashes and hangups have gone away. Some
of the applications are still flaky; gmc also is much improved at 4.5.33.
Also, the Enlightenment RPMS from the Redhat site seem just as stable as
most other wm.

Pierluigi Miraglia
The soul has a self-increasing logos (Herakl.)

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