Re: problems compiling gtkicq

from the quill of Jeremy Wise <> on scroll
> That's really strange.  I've never had trouble getting add by UIN to
> work.

I haven't in the past.

> There was a minor issue with the rest of the searches, but the version
> sitting on my desktop right this minute works fine using all methods
> of
> search (I just tried them).

Yeah, previous incarnations' search worked.  This one did for one, but
that's it.

> You can dump the packets by setting "Dump Packets" on the Network tab
> in
> the options.  This will dump the ICQ packets out to stdout, and if you
> capture that, you can see what's going on.

Yeah, it was more the protocol interpretation I was looking for rather
than the actual data.  I can see the bits, I just don't want to have to
learn what they mean.  :-)  Although I do want to see what my client and
the server are saying to each other.


Brian J. Murrell                              InterLinx Support Services, Inc.
North Vancouver, B.C.                                             604 983 UNIX
        Platform and Brand Independent UNIX Support - R3.2 - R4 - BSD

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