Mc-4.5.7 patch for specfile

Okay the .spec file in the mc-4.5.7.tar.gz is incorrect :) Its version
number needs to be upped. Very easy, in fact I have a patch. BTW, do
they have to be labeled as 'SNAP' - very annoying, since they're not
really snapshots, but official releases.I also had a problem with the
'sh' which the .spec file uses. ./configure did NOT give me
a problem (when run before :). HEre is the error message:
./configure: syntax error near unexpected token `GNOME_GNORBA_HOOK(,)'
./configure: ./configure: line 9118: `          GNOME_GNORBA_HOOK(,)

The exact command was: sh --prefix=/usr --with-gnome
--without-debug. Anyway, I see no need to use since there is
a ./configure script already there. Here is the patch:
*** mc.spec~	Wed Jan 13 06:38:06 1999
--- mc.spec	Fri Jan 15 13:30:44 1999
*** 1,5 ****
  # Note that this is NOT a relocatable package
! %define ver      4.5.5
  %define rel      SNAP
  %define prefix   /usr
--- 1,5 ----
  # Note that this is NOT a relocatable package
! %define ver      4.5.7
  %define rel      SNAP
  %define prefix   /usr
*** mc.spec~	Fri Jan 15 13:30:44 1999
--- mc.spec	Fri Jan 15 13:43:54 1999
*** 44,50 ****
  	--prefix=%{prefix} \
  	--with-gnome \
--- 44,50 ----
! CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure \
  	--prefix=%{prefix} \
  	--with-gnome \

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