ORBit autogen.sh does not check for autoconf-2.13

I installed autoconf2.13 from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/autoconf"
When i try to configure ORBit i get 

You must have at minimum autoconf version 2.12 installed

$autoconf --version 
Autoconf version 2.13

in autogen.sh

# Check for autoconf
(autoconf --version | grep -q "version 2.12") || {
        echo "You must have at minimum autoconf version 2.12 installed"
        echo "to compile ORBit. Download the appropriate package for"
        echo "your distribution, or get the source tarball at"
        echo "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/"

Walter Mueller
Universitaet Mannheim		email: walt@pi4.informatik.uni-mannheim.de
Praktische Informatik IV	tel  : +49 621 292 5056
L15,16 Raum 413			fax  : +49 621 292 5745
68131 Mannheim

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