Busycursor 0.1

>>Had you considered modifying xtoolwait to set the pointer while it's waiting 
>>for the application window to pop up?  It should be less
>>resource-intensive, since it waits by blocking on the X socket
>>waiting on relevant window events. 

>Yes, but I don't have the knowledge to do such a thing. I was hoping that
>some Guru could look into it.    

It seems like I could do it, sort of:

Announcing Busycursor 0.1

This program can be used as a wrapper when starting (large)
X-applications. It changes the root window mouse cursor to an hourglass
while the application is starting, and then back to a normal pointer. 

Usage example: Modify the Launcher Properties of Netscape to "busycursor

RPM: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~altic/files/busycursor-0.1-2.i386.rpm
SRPM: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~altic/files/busycursor-0.1-2.src.rpm

Comments are appreciated.

Peter Åstrand <peter@student.liu.se>, http://www.lysator.liu.se/~altic
Master of Computerscience and Engineering student at Linköping University

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