Re: My impression of .8

> -Would it be possible for gnumetric to "brand" the files that
> it saved? In that way saved spreadsheets would inculde the gnumetric mime
> type, or file extension, or whatever is necessary to launch them from the
> file manager. In fact, what Im asking about is really a small bit of
> information stored in the file about who it "belongs" to. I know that this
> meta data is addressed to some extent by mime types, but I wonder if a
> stronger association between file/app would be usefull.

Done.  Now, the files are saved with a .gnumeric extension.

> -Something I dont understand: If you try to paste a file path or ftp site
> in gmc's location bar with the middle mouse (X paste) it wont work. No
> action is taken by gmc to address the new location. If you *type* the same
> information, however, gmc works as expected and moves to the new location.
> I wonder if this is the intended behavior here.

Sorry to ask this, but did you tap "enter" on the entry?

> -I might have liked the kind of upturned folder icons in .7's left tree
> pane better than the current ones. Im not sure- they were more fun and
> less serious than .8's all-90deg-angle folder icons. Its really just an
> asthetic thing. 

Tig redid those icons, and they seem to be more liked by the general


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