Re: Conflicting backgrounds

> Hi.
> I think the cooperation between Gnome and the window managers
> (especially Enlightenment) w/r/t backgrounds needs to be improved.
> When I start Gnome with E, first E draws its background. When
> background-properties gets invoked, Gnome draws its own background. As
> soon as I change desktops, the E background gets redrawn. The setting
> of the "Use background" (sp?) checkbox in the e-conf capplet doesn't
> seem to change this behaviour in any way.
> I think there should be a checkbox in the background-properties
> capplet to say "Let the WM draw the background". If Gnome absolutely
> wants to do its own ones, it should be possible to effectively stop
> the WM from redrawing the background.

Also gnome should use the same way of putting pictures in the background as Esetroot/E (imlib) because then the transparency in gnome-terminal and Eterm will work.  

Btw, I do NOT like that I can use right mousebutton without holding down a modifier to get the menu in gnome-terminal.  It really destroys my copy&paste (well.. just the copy) operations and makes gnome-terminal useless for me.


Erik Bagfors                   |
Email:      | SysAdmin at HPC2N umea university    | Supporter of free software
Work: +46-90 786 7928          | GSM: +46-70 632 19 06
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