Re: still failing w/ .99.7 libs

>From: Jonathan Sergent <>

>FYI I'm diddling with getting it to run on 2.7 over here... and only
>minor headaches.  (Presumably the same ones as on 2.6/2.8 for you.)

With the latest builds, I've not had any headaches at all, really, that aren't 
to do with applets that try to show Linux-specific system measures.

>Things crash on me unless I configure gtk+ with --disable-xim-inst.
>I just happened to stumble upon that option after seeing things crash in
>some function that had the words "xim" and "instantiate callback" in it.
>And mc is crashing on me too, but I probably just need to get a newer
>version of it and try it again.

Well, anything before mc 4.5.12 will probably not be perfect.  I think it was 
4.5.9 that worked for me OK before that.  But 4.5.12 seems *very* stable, even 
on Solaris8 with an automounted /home of a few hundred people off multiple 
diskarrays and a *major* server...

With GTK*/GLIB, I didn't bother doing the --disable-xim option to configure with 
1.1.15 - having read in the ChangeLog that they fixed this issue on Solaris 
recently.  Everything seems fine now =O)

So I can only suggest you clean house, then install the latest of everything you 
can find =O)


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