Re: IDEA: Gnome install-helper-script

I believe there such a thing. Redhat CDs have these scripts.
But I think that a script that checks existing GNOME components and
get the rpm/deb via FTP, install them by order, without user's
would be a very good thing to do.

But in order to do so we must first produce good RPMs.
and make a way to integrate it with a WM (the gnome-session sohuld know
what WM to run)
only then such a script would be possible.

But if it was possible, such a script would be a good way for gnome to
find it's way into user's desktops. 

Richard Hult wrote:
> Ok, there's been a lot of talk about installing gnome lately. This could
> make sense:
>  * Provide a script that asks the user which packages to install, with
> descriptions of  what the packages contain.
>  * The script would then perform checks (./configure-like) to see what the
> user has and what needs to be installed.
>  * A list is generated, with all the needed packages in the right order.
> The user could then download the right rpms, debs or tarballs etc...
> Or something like this, I'm not the configure-expert around ;)
> Richard
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