Re: Yet another newbie - End of story

On søn, 07 feb 1999, Bruce Stephens wrote:
>Steen Rabol <> writes:
>> I followed the read me/install file, and did a ./configure, make and
>> make install After compiling glib, gtk+ and imlib, my next package
>> was gtk-engines, and during ./configure it told me that it needed
>> gtk+ 1.1.13 or higher, then I gave up.
>Oddly, I've been compiling on a RedHat5.1 system for some time,
>installing everything in /usr/local/gnome/*, without incident.  

As far as I can see you have used some kind of prefix to make it install in

My point is: The readme/install files says "just" do ./configure then "make" and
then "make install", and when I follow that I'm not able to build and install

>> I've spend the last two days trying to install GNOME, first by
>> getting the RPM's then I located a mirror containg the
>> /pub/sources/latest - why keep sources in different directories when
>> they are the "latest" ?
>They're arranged logically.  latest contains symbolic links to the
>latest versions.

well, I can see the logic in it, but not all ftp-clients can ;-))

eg. I use Cute FTP ( Windows/NT ) to get the the latest and it could not follow
the link - I know that it's not "your" fault but Cute FTP is one of the most
used Windows ftp-clients.

>> My personal conclusion is that GNOME is not for novice users.
>No, not yet.  It will be, though.  It's not bad, now.

I hope, and believe so, but if GNOME should have a future one of the first thing
to do is to make a "nice and easy" installation. Based on my expirence as a
programmer (BMS systems/Windows) I know that "dummy" users - like me - 
is the ones who find all the "bugs", and installation problems  ;-))

As you can see I'm not the only one who have problems I just don't mind being
'flamed' for asking silly questions.

And once again: This is not, and was not, my intentenion to flame or start a
war, I was just playing around to see which desktop I will use on Linux.


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