Odd gnome property box behavior

I was creating a preferences screen, and decided to use the 
gnome_property_box_new() to create a property box.  I then attached an
apply_cb proc with:
gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (propbox), "apply",
		     GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (apply_cb), NULL);

I was testing, so I just defined apply_cb as:
static void apply_cb(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
{ g_print("apply\n"); }

What I noticed while using this, was that whenever I clicked apply or ok,
I saw the string "apply" printed twice!  I would assume then that the
callback is getting called two times.  While I don't have any code that 
cares if it is executed twice, I would think that some might, and would
not think that this would be the expected behaviour.  

Anyways, just thought I'd mention it, I get this with a cvs updated
this afternoon.


Christopher Rogers      Stevens Institute of Technology
gandalf@pobox.com       http://www.pobox.com/~gandalf
Find my PGP PublicKey - http://www.pobox.com/~gandalf/CDR.asc

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