gtt (Time Tracker) enhancements

I have been using the Gnome Time Tracker.  Cool little app.  I was
thinking of a couple of things that would be nice to have.  An icon
beside any project where the clock is running would be good.  Once you
start to get a few projects there, managing which one has the clock
running on it gets a bit hairy.

It would also be nice if the projects were kept in a separate file.  I
may have a gtt running on several systems, and would like to move the
project(s) data from one machine to another.  Rather than extracting the
data out of one file and pasting into another, it would be nice to just
copy the project file from one box to another.  On that note, a project
with subprojects would be nice.

A for instance:  I am a consultant and do work for many customers.  At
each customer site, I will have a gtt with all of the projects I am
working on.  I would like at my "home base" to be able to list each
customer as a project, and then when I select a project (a customer) I
get a list of the projects for that customer.  Data file wise, this
could be achieved at the home base by having a project file which just
references other project files.  There is no reason this couldn't go to
multiple depths.  Perhaps a tree widget (that "list" widget that has the
 + sign for expanding into sublevels) would work well for this.



Brian J. Murrell                              InterLinx Support Services, Inc.
North Vancouver, B.C.                                             604 983 UNIX
        Platform and Brand Independent UNIX Support - R3.2 - R4 - BSD

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