Re: Re: balsa and deleted mail

On 28 Dec 1999, wrote:

> I've been looking for a descent mail reader every since
> I switched from win to linux.

I've been in the same boat as you. Something functional and eye pleasing. I
liked Kmail also, although it wasn't as eye pleasing as I wanted. What I was really
looking for is bascially a Eudora clone. Balsa looked to be heading that way,
but like you said it isn't there yet. I haven't tried the latest Balsa, so maybe
it is better.

Anyway, I was writing to say that you might want to check out the latest
version of a program called Spruce. It is pretty nice. Has the look I was looking for.
It runs pretty stable. Not too many bugs, and has the core functionality there.
It also is not all the way there yet, but it is closer than Balsa. I use it on
a day to day basis.

I would suggest running the devel version (I'm running 0.5.9). It says the
stable version is like 0.4 something, but I found that the devel version is much
more stable.

Eric Anderson
CS, Georgia Institute of Technology
Co-op, Southern Regional Education Board
ICQ# 1279816

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