Re: cvs gnome-libs

> I m trying to compile gnome-libs from cvs (in order to use gdk-pixbuf).
> During the ./configure from ./, I get the error:
> ./configure: syntax error near unexpected token `AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) '
> ./configure: ./configure: line 538: `AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)'
> During, it complains about some variables not defined,
> like 'INTLLIBS', 'OAF_LIBS'.
> Is there something else I need to compile cvs's gnome-libs?

If all you want is gdk-pixbuf, all you need to do is checkout gdk-pixbuf from
cvs. It requires nothing except october gnome. If, instead, you want
gdk-pixbuf as a prerequisite for something else, then perhaps maybe you
need gnome-libs. Check out the prereqs.

	= L

|       LOBAN AMAAN RAHMAN  <-- anagram of -->  AHA! AN ABNORMAL MAN!      |
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