Re: GnomeCanvasPixbuf -- Yay!

On Dec 01, 1999, Loban Amaan Rahman <> wrote:
> Well then, I did something I should have done a while ago - I installed
> cvs. The first thing I did was checkout gdk-pixbuff, compile, and install
> it. After changing all my GnomeCanvasImages to GnomeCanvasPixbufs, I am
> happy to say EVERYTHING works perfectly now - even faster!
> I hereby recommend anyone struggling with GnomeCanvasImage or just imlib
> in general to convert to gdk-pixbuf and libart. It's not only faster and
> more reliable, it's easier to implement too!

Yeah, I did that myself, last weekend, and was surprised at how easy it

On a side note, one thing I did notice is that the aa Canvas is much
*MUCH* faster over a networked X connection than the normal GDK Canvas.
(on a 10 Mbps network, anyway).  I have a lot of little tiles on my
Canvas (it's for a game), and the GDK Canvas rendered very slow and
blocky (sometimes > 5 seconds for a 500x400 window), whereas the aa
Canvas was consistently < 1 second.  Naturally on a local display, both
are quite fast.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the day when the aa Canvas is declared
officialy safe.  (c:


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