Re: Gnome-terminal problem with less

On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 04:10:01PM -0400, Harry Henry Gebel wrote:
> Hello,
>     With xterm and early versions of gnome-terminal I noticed that with
> less and other programs that use it such as man the output from less
> would go away when you exited the program, returning the screen to the
> state it was in when less ran. Then at some point after gnome 1.0 was
> released it started behaving in a better manner, leaving the output from
> less on the screen. However, it has now returned to it's old behavior,
> and I would like to get it to leave the output from less on the screen
> again. I am using gnome-core 1.0.9 and gnome-libs 1.0.12 . Unfortunatly
> I am not aware at what version it began behaving the way I like or at
> what version it when back to behaving in the way I don't like. Can
> anyone tell me how to fix this behavior?

I'm no expert, but as I understand it this has a lot more to do with
your TERM environment variable than with the
xterm/rxvt/gnome-terminal/eterm/footerm/coolasstermwiththegadgets.  I
dunno if this helps, wish I could tell you more.

If I'm wrong, someone kick my ass and tell me so, ok?  :-)

Ian Peters  | GnuPG Key ID 5C23D20C    | "They shout about love but when push | E584 2558 FAC3 BEAB EFAC |  comes to shove, they live for things | FC74 CFED 7E24 5C23 D20C |  they're afraid of." -- Neal Peart

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