Re: Contro-center 1.0.6: Doesn't save new windowmanager

On 27 Aug 1999 13:53:43 -0400, Mario Vukelic <> wrote:

>in control-center 1.0.6 I can't add a new windowmanager. That is, I can
>add, but when I say ok and leave, its gone when I open it again. This is
>both as root and as user. When I switch back to 1.0.5, it's ok again.
>Anybody else with this problem? Oh, and I have gnome-libs 1.0.14 

I think this should be fixed now:

Checking in ChangeLog;
/cvs/gnome/control-center/ChangeLog,v  <--  ChangeLog
new revision: 1.215; previous revision: 1.214
Checking in capplets/gnome-edit-properties/gnome-edit-properties.c;
/cvs/gnome/control-center/capplets/gnome-edit-properties/gnome-edit-properties.c,v  <--
new revision: 1.15; previous revision: 1.14
Checking in control-center/capplet-widget-libs.c;
/cvs/gnome/control-center/control-center/capplet-widget-libs.c,v  <--
new revision: 1.25; previous revision: 1.24
Checking in control-center/capplet-widget-libs.h;
/cvs/gnome/control-center/control-center/capplet-widget-libs.h,v  <--
new revision: 1.9; previous revision: 1.8
Checking in control-center/capplet-widget.c;
/cvs/gnome/control-center/control-center/capplet-widget.c,v  <--  capplet-widget.c
new revision: 1.21; previous revision: 1.20

Thanks for reporting the problem! In the future, it's preferable to use the GNOME bug
tracking system (via the 'gnomebug' script).

-- Elliot
The time for action is past! Now is the time for senseless bickering!

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