Re: GNOME Summary August 15-22

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Steven Michael ROBBINS wrote:
> Hm.  I've been using my favourite WM (FVWM) with gnome for some time now
> with no apparent problems.
> Are there problems lurking to bite me in the future?  Am I missing
> features?  

No, the issue here is just that we want a nice default window manager that
"matches" GNOME.
> I know about the gnome-wm list, and I subscribed for a time, but it is way
> too deep in X minutiae for me!  Maybe someone can summarize WM issues for
> nonspecialists?  For example: what does gnome REQUIRE of a WM?  What
> special WM features can gnome TAKE ADVANTAGE OF?  Essentially: aesthetics
> aside, why should I prefer one WM over another, in the context of Gnome?

You need special GNOME support to get a root window menu from the file
manager, and detect root window clicks. GNOME support also allows the
pager and task list panel applets to work. That's about it, for now.
The people on wm-spec-list may come up with additional stuff.


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