Re: Gnome Icon Status Report #2 -- "Spice up the menu"

On 18 Aug 1999, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> > I just found which is a nice list of a
> > bunch of KDE's icons. I think the last thing we should do is steal them
> > per se, but I found it's very easy to gnomeify them (redraw/modify them to
> > match the gnome look.)
> > 
> > I've done some and put 'em at
> >
> these icons are very very very nice.

Thank you :-)
> We need to get these on the CVS and we need to get those used in

> Are you coordinating with someone to get this done?  If not, would you 
> like a CVS account to help us?

I think Matthias Warkus ( has gotten some onto CVS. I
must admit I don't have the faintest idea how I'd get them included
properly if I did have a CVS account, but that doesn't mean I couldn't

> best wishes,
> -- 

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