Re: Gdk-Message: Got event for unknown window: 0

* Jacques Du Pasquier ( [99081821:16]:
> PS (off topic, just in case someone can help me out) : is there a way
> to get the error messages inside X, rather than going to the console
> screen and messing with gpm ?

I have a little script in my ~/bin called xlog.

Instead of startx, i can type xlog, and all the output from the
x-server (and gnome) will be sent to the file log_of_x in my home-dir.

The contents of the file are:

cd ~/
startx >log_of_x 2>&1

That's it! Create the file, then do

chmod 755 logx 

and stick in somewhere in your $PATH, ~/bin is cool for that.
Give it a try. Any time you want to check for errors, just do a 

more log_of_x

You could even tail -f the file, if you get lots of errors...

You could make this file log many sessions, saving old data usng this
line instead:
startx >>log_of_x 2>&1

This adds new stuff to the bottom of the file.

Your call.

PS. I sometimes get the unknown window message, but it isn't a
critical error, I think just a misbehaving app. It shouldn't really
cause any troubles. (gnomecc does this a lot I think...)

Run the logx script, reproduce some of your problems, and send the
output to the list, we'll see what's wrong and get you fixed up...

    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | |
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